Violet Bouquet

Violet Bouquet


Celebrate the life of your loved one with the elegant Violet Bouquet casket. This casket is constructed of 18-gauge medium weight steel and features a beautiful violet painted finish with a brushed finish. The natural velvet interior provides a comfortable resting place for your loved one.
This casket is suitable for burial and comes with three Family Choices® personalization features to help you create a unique and personalized tribute. The Living Memorial® Program also allows you to plant a tree in honor of your loved one, creating a lasting legacy.
The Violet Bouquet casket features a continuously welded bottom and an interior that is chemically treated to resist rust and corrosion. The Memorial Record® System allows you to create a permanent record of your loved one's life, ensuring that their memory will be cherished for generations to come.
Flintoft's Funeral Home is proud to offer a limited warranty on this casket, giving you peace of mind during a difficult time. Choose the Violet Bouquet casket to honor your loved one's life with grace and dignity.

SKU: 241566


Tags: Steel

Celebrate the life of your loved one with the elegant Violet Bouquet casket. This casket is constructed of 18-gauge medium weight steel and features a beautiful violet painted finish with a brushed finish. The natural velvet interior provides a comfortable resting place for your loved one.
This casket is suitable for burial and comes with three Family Choices® personalization features to help you create a unique and personalized tribute. The Living Memorial® Program also allows you to plant a tree in honor of your loved one, creating a lasting legacy.
The Violet Bouquet casket features a continuously welded bottom and an interior that is chemically treated to resist rust and corrosion. The Memorial Record® System allows you to create a permanent record of your loved one's life, ensuring that their memory will be cherished for generations to come.
Flintoft's Funeral Home is proud to offer a limited warranty on this casket, giving you peace of mind during a difficult time. Choose the Violet Bouquet casket to honor your loved one's life with grace and dignity.

• Constructed of Steel 18 ga. Medium Weight
• Natural Velvet Interior
• 3 Family Choices® Personalization Features Available
• Suitable for Burial
• Living Memorial® Program
• Violet Painted Finish
• Brushed Finish
• Memorial Record® System
• Continuously Welded Bottom
• Swing Bar Hardware
• Adjustable Metal Bed and Mattress
• Copper Hardware
• Interior Chemically Treated to Resist Rust and Corrosion
• Locking Mechanism Plus a One Piece Rubber Gasket
• Half Couch
• Limited Warranty
• Each Casket Factory Tested for Quality Assurance

This casket is manufactured in the United States of America. 

We are committed to offering the best value to our clients, with risk-free 100% satisfaction guarantee. It is guaranteed against defect and can be returned prior to use at no cost.


  • Weight: 230 pounds

Interior Dimensions

  • Height: 23.00 Inches
  • Length: 79.25 Inches
  • Width: 24.00 Inches

Exterior Dimensions

  • Height: 23.50 Inches
  • Length: 83.13 Inches
  • Width: 28.13 Inches

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