Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet

Always With Us Photo Tribute Bouquet


Commemorate the life of your loved one with the Always With Us Photo Tribute Display. This heartfelt bouquet is designed to surround and accentuate a cherished photograph of the departed, with a patriotic mix of blue hydrangeas and red and white roses. White carnations, snapdragons, and blue delphinium create a soft background for the vibrant roses, while the blue eryngium adds a striking touch of texture. With accents of dusty miller, curly willow, and eucalyptus, this display is a thoughtful and respectful tribute to the life and legacy of your beloved. Please note that this arrangement does not include a picture frame and has a one-sided orientation.

SKU: T282-1A-2

Categories: Flowers

Tags: Photo & Urn Tributes

Commemorate the life of your loved one with the Always With Us Photo Tribute Display. This heartfelt bouquet is designed to surround and accentuate a cherished photograph of the departed, with a patriotic mix of blue hydrangeas and red and white roses. White carnations, snapdragons, and blue delphinium create a soft background for the vibrant roses, while the blue eryngium adds a striking touch of texture. With accents of dusty miller, curly willow, and eucalyptus, this display is a thoughtful and respectful tribute to the life and legacy of your beloved. Please note that this arrangement does not include a picture frame and has a one-sided orientation.



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