Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet

Clouds Of Heaven Bouquet


The Clouds of Heaven Bouquet is a beautiful and serene floral arrangement that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility. The arrangement features an array of white blooms, including roses, lilies, gladioli, carnations, snapdragons, and stock, accented with myrtle, green tea leaves, and lemon leaf. The elegant flowers are presented in a large, antiqued pot that adds to the overall beauty of the arrangement. The Clouds of Heaven Bouquet is a heartfelt and meaningful symbol of beauty and peace that will serve as a guiding light for your loved ones for years to come. This one-sided arrangement is perfect for display at a funeral service or memorial.

SKU: T218-1A-2

Categories: Flowers

Tags: Funeral Service Bouquets

The Clouds of Heaven Bouquet is a beautiful and serene floral arrangement that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility. The arrangement features an array of white blooms, including roses, lilies, gladioli, carnations, snapdragons, and stock, accented with myrtle, green tea leaves, and lemon leaf. The elegant flowers are presented in a large, antiqued pot that adds to the overall beauty of the arrangement. The Clouds of Heaven Bouquet is a heartfelt and meaningful symbol of beauty and peace that will serve as a guiding light for your loved ones for years to come. This one-sided arrangement is perfect for display at a funeral service or memorial.




The Clouds of Heaven Bouquet is a beautiful and serene floral arrangement that conveys a sense of peace and tranquility. The arrangement features an array of white blooms, including roses, lilies, gladioli, carnations, snapdragons, and stock, accented with myrtle, green tea leaves, and lemon leaf. The elegant flowers are presented in a large, antiqued pot that adds to the overall beauty of the arrangement. The Clouds of Heaven Bouquet is a heartfelt and meaningful symbol of beauty and peace that will serve as a guiding light for your loved ones for years to come. This one-sided arrangement is perfect for display at a funeral service or memorial.




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